We can THINK that we are still in charge and that nothing has changed.


We can SAY that we just need to adjust some pieces.


We can BELIEVE that we are doing it quite well, and that there is no need for a radical change in the way we deal with the people in our organizations.

Buy maybe our employees stopped connecting with what we ask for them at a corporate level, a long time ago. Maybe what we are proposing as something essential from a certain position (missions, visions, values, conducts, behaviours) is not having the impact we are looking for on the people of our organization. Maybe the changes are not happening as quickly as they should.

In order to make a good diagnosis, it is advisable to pay attention to the transformation of the relationships and the management of the information arriving from outside the company, i.e. from our homes and in the big Network, which allows us to see the value and the potential of collective development. At home, our employees are probably Prosumers: consumers and at the same time content creators.

What happens when these multi-skilled people cross the threshold of our company?

Do we turn them into mere consumers of our “product”? Do we allow them to mold the corporate reality, to change it, recreate it, improve it, enlarge it, expand it, connect it, make changes easier, participate in it…?

If the answer is no, we may not be generating the expected engagement, the emotional connection. And we may end-up heading toward a scenario of insignificance, ignorance, discredit, emotional absenteeism…

What can we do?

We don’t like global recipes, but every time we have opened the game for collective intelligence and co-creation, together with a courageous client, we found professionals who were:

  • Thrilled and participated with passion,,
  • Engaged in the search for solutions for the corporate challenges,
  • Taking on responsibility, turning into ambassadors of the change.

As usual, this trend, which we consider to be unstoppable, has already been named in the U.S.: EMPLOYEE GENERATED CONTENT (EGC).

“Employee Generated Content (EGC) is the biggest HR strategy that most companies overlook. Your employees are smart, talented, and have plenty of things to say about your company. Giving them the tools and permission to share their knowledge or enthusiasm will pay you back many times over”. HR and Social Media: Employee Generated Content matters.

There you are. Smart, talented and with plenty of things to say. Do we see our employees in that way?

In the following articles about EGC I explain:

PS: Do you want to co-create this series of articles? Send us your ideas and comments and we will share them in the following posts.

Podemos PENSAR que seguimos al mando y que nada ha cambiado.


Podemos DECIR que simplemente hace falta ajustar alguna pieza.


Podemos CREER que lo estamos haciendo bastante bien, y que no se requiere un cambio radical en la manera de gestionar a las personas de nuestras organizaciones.

Pero es posible que nuestros empleados hace tiempo que hayan dejado de conectar con lo que se les pide a nivel corporativo. Que aquello que desde cierta posición se propone como esencial (misiones, visiones, valores, conductas, comportamientos) no esté teniendo el impacto en las personas de la organización que estamos buscando. Que los cambios no se estén produciendo a la velocidad requerida.

Para realizar un buen diagnóstico de la situación conviene reparar en la transformación en las relaciones y la gestión de la información que ha acontecido fuera de las empresas, en nuestros hogares y gracias a la gran Red, y que nos ha permitido comprobar el valor y el potencial del desarrollo colectivo. Es muy probable que nuestros colaboradores, en casa, sean Prosumers: consumidores y creadores de contenidos al mismo tiempo.

¿Qué pasa cuando estas personas multifacéticas cruzan el umbral de nuestra empresa?

¿Los convertimos en meros consumidores de nuestro “producto”? ¿Les permitimos moldear la realidad empresarial, modificarla, recrearla, mejorarla, ampliarla, amplificarla, conectarla, facilitar el cambio, participar de él…?

Si la respuesta a esta última pregunta es negativa, es posible que no estemos generando el engagement que deseamos, la conexión emocional. Y que nos acabemos abocando a un escenario de insignificancia, desconocimiento, descrédito, absentismo emocional…

¿Qué podemos hacer?

No nos gustan las recetas universales, pero cada vez que, de la mano de algún cliente valiente, hemos abierto juego a la inteligencia colectiva y la cocreación, nos hemos encontrado con profesionales…

  • Vibrando y participando apasionadamente,

  • Implicados en la búsqueda de soluciones a los retos empresariales,

  • Responsabilizados, que se convierten en embajadores del cambio.

Como siempre, en Estados Unidos ya le han puesto nombre a esta tendencia que nos parece imparable: EMPLOYEE GENERATED CONTENT (EGC).

Employee Generated Content (EGC) is the biggest HR strategy that most companies as like from India cenforce online Sildenafil overlook. Your employees are smart, talented, and have plenty of things to say about your company. Giving them the tools and permission to share their knowledge or enthusiasm will pay you back many times over”HR and Social Media: Employee Generated Content matters.

Pues eso. Inteligentes, talentosos y con mucho que decir.

¿No vemos así a nuestros colaboradores?

En los siguientes artículos sobre EGC explico:

PD: ¿Quieres cocrear esta serie de artículos? Si nos envías tus ideas y comentarios, los compartiremos en próximos posts.