GamificationInnovationLeadershipTransmedia Storytelling

Providing new answers to old problems. The Cookie Box journey.

By April 2, 2013 No Comments

Throughout the month of March we have shared a series of six posts authored by Carlos Andreu, which reflect the almost initiatory journey we have travelled during the last few years at Cookie Box in order to provide new solutions to old problems, as anticipated in the first post of the series.

The second one, Im a consultant now!, took us on sporadic forays into sales training, enough to learn how an average mark was all that sufficed to validate an obsolete model and a trainer’s reputation. There were neither indicators nor suitable methods for measuring the amount of knowledge transferred. It was an outdated system that was ripe for change.

And this was even more pronounced with the incorporation of Generation Y to companies, which required a different sort of training as well as new professional relationships. Communication and development had to focus on a new perspective. In order to bring about the transformation of companies, it was time for Edutainment lies at the core of the new Cookie Box methods, through the use of technology and art.

The development of tools such as Dramanagement, Y-Games, Bizzcomic, TalentApp, Management & Arts and workshops under this new philosophy headed us towards an unstoppable cultural trend: transmedia.

In our search for new (trans) formation tools, we discovered how the video game could help us in our work with managers and in the training and internal communication challenges. A visit to the Dome at La Salle and meeting Oscar Garcia Pañella sparked a new idea in our head: “It (isn’t) the video game, stupid!

That idea suggested that what could help us to help wasn’t the video game itself but its mechanics, which are clearly linked to motivation, pleasure and change. The Eureka of Gamification and Storytelling arrived when we met Bill Baker and we are at a point in which these two tools are the foundation on which we build new answers to old problems.

It’s been a six-year journey that has led us to think about tools, proposals and answers focused on memorable experiences, integration and involvement. On how to provide an alternative to an obsolete system by integrating the new generations in the company, using tools that bring together art, management and technology.

And as this never stops, I’ll keep on recording with my GoPro. In a while I’ll explain…