How to transform the visit to the Innovation Centre of one of the TOP4 consultancies into a high-impact immersive experience?



External Communication


Game dynamics


To improve and transform the Innovation Centre visit experience into a memorable experience.

To deepen the benefits of working with them: strategic capacity, technical and technological rigour; innovation and people (change management).


The client, one of the main international consultancies, set out the need to improve the international clients’ experience in their Supply Chain Innovation Centre. Until then, they were developing their presentation in a meeting room which had 7 big screens deployed in a semi-circle, reminding some kind of NASA control centre room. Nevertheless, they were using traditional formats to present their services (power point presentations or screenshots of some specific technical tool).

¿How to transform the visit to the Innovation Centre of one of the TOP4 consultancies into a high-impact immersive experience?

There was, therefore, a need to transform the experience into something with a “wow”-effect, efficient and stunning. Something closer to an experience which would help them gather information about the main client’s challenges. vel y responsabilidad.


At Cookie Box we suggested the development of an immersive experience with a main element deploying the content: a cinematographic quality movie. A story which hooks the audience and involves them into the conflict resolution (with the help of the consultancy employees). The narrative is divided into 4 main phrases, a parallelism with the main 4 benefits of working with them: strategic capacity, technical and technology rigour; innovation and people (change management).

The experience starts with the movie screening, which, at first, introduces the conflict. It will stop every time it requires the audience to work in any of the 4 main aspects, allowing the facilitator to give them extra information and connecting the movie scenes with client’s real situations.


The project conceptualization started focusing on the narrative, which at first was inspired by Tarantino’s Reservoir dogs. However, after a few meetings co-creating the story with the client, it ended up becoming a space trip to Mars in order to rescue 4 astronauts whose mission had had severe misfortunes, as a consequence of which they weren’t able to return.

This storytelling universe was deployed through different platforms. The main one, a 25-minute movie about the astronauts’ adventures and misfortunes, directed by the reference author Nicolás Alcalá, with a script from the responsible in Dramanagement, Román Zabal, and interpreted by an outstanding international cast including Benjamin Nathan-Serio and Saras Gil, among others.

The narrative evolves, focusing, in each chapter, on one of the main 4 characters who represent the consultancy company: Ms. Blue, the strategist; Ms. Yellow, the innovative; Mr. Green, the rigorous; and Mr. Red, the social one (all of them based on Ned Hermann’s model). The last colour, Mr. White, represents their client, the National Aeronautic Organization Director. After each chapter, the story stops and seeks for answers among the audience. Therefore, after Ms. Blue had aligned and refocused the team onto a new mission objective – from collecting materials on Mars’ surface to a rescue mission -, the movie stops and the clients need to interact with some game dynamics which focus on their strategic problems.

Gamification follows the 4 narrative phrases through 6 different dynamics, which will help the client in his journey to discover the main benefits of working with the consultancy firm:

0. Initial Phrase: The experience begins with a game dynamic which allows each participant to identify their dominant “colour”, according to Ned Hermann’s relational model, mentioned before; and they receive the workbook for the rest of the activities.

1. Blue I (Strategy): It allows participants to sum-up their business goals and identify stoppers for their achievement. Challenges are expressed in a huge poster which follows the same movie aesthetics.

2. Yellow (Innovation): It stimulates participants to think “out of the box”, connecting their solutions’ nature with other areas such as technological, social, environmental… All through an activity which uses cards, big data and a decision panel which materializes an output to include in the main poster.

3. Green (Rigour): A group of already developed solutions from the consultancy firm are offered to the audience, with which the assistants can form a set of decisions and reflect them again on the main poster.

4. Red (Social): This challenge is divided into two parts focusing on possible ways in which the company can work with different clients, and how to manage Talent and Organization.

5. Blue II (Strategy): The last dynamic aims to connect all learnings, synthesizing each “clients’ journey” on the poster they’ve been developing. This will be the “take away” output, which shows the benefits of working with the consultancy.

To sum it up, it is an experience that takes advantage of Transmedia Storytelling and Gamification in order to create a memorable impact on the audience and, all in all, to increase the business of the consultancy by promoting it.

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